Mobile Marine Seismology Action (SMM)

Epos-France’s Mobile Marine Seismology action was created in 2022 in the context of the Marmor project, an 8-year program that will provide Epos-France with the equipment needed to carry out innovative research using cutting-edge underwater seismology and geodesy instruments.

The Mobile Marine Seismology (SMM) action manages the national community instrumentation facility and a center (“node A”) for transforming and validating data and metadata that will be supplied to the Epos-France Data Center. It enables the collection of seismological data in the open sea or nearshore. The facility unites three major marine seismology centers: Paris (IPGP), Nice (Géoazur) and Brest (Geo-Ocean). The duration of experiments can vary from a few weeks to a year.  Longer experiments may also be approved, exceptionally.




Le navire Marion Dufresne à quai à Mayotte durant la campagne MAYOBS3

Actualités Résif-Epos