Mobile Marine Seismology Instrumentation

Currently available


  • Description: Short period Ocean Bottom Seismometer, long deployments (LC2000)
    • Number: 17
    • Specifications
      • Sampling rates (sps): 62.5, 125, 250, 500
      • Seismometer: Sercel L-28 3C (4.5Hz +)
      • Hydrophone: HiTech HTI-90U hydrophone, broadband version (20s to 15 kHz)
      • Max deployment depth: 5000m
      • Max Autonomy: 13 months
  • Description: Short period Ocean Bottom Seismometer (LotOBS)
    • Number: 5
    • Specifications
      • Sampling rates: 250, 500, 1000, 2000
      • Seismometer: Geospace GS-ONE 3-component geophone, 4.5 Hz
      • Hydrophone: HiTech HTI-90U standard (2 Hz to 20 kHz)
      • Max deployment depth: 6000m
      • Max Autonomy: 6 months
      • Weight in seawater (with/out anchor, kg): 71 / 35


  • Description: Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer
    • Number: 7
    • Specifications:
      • Sampling rates (sps): 62.5, 125, 250, 500
      • Seismometer: Trillium T240 or Horizon 120 (240/120s to 50 Hz)
      • Pressure: Differential pressure gauge (300s to 50 Hz)
      • Max deployment depth: 5000m
      • Max Autonomy: 12 months
      • Dimensions (HxWxD, mm): 1303x1000x2609
      • Weight in air (with/out anchor, kg): 400 / 331
      • Weight in seawater (with/out anchor, kg): 43 / -16


  • Description : Hydrophone in the SOFAR channel
    • Nombre : 14
    • Spécifications
      • Sampling rates (sps) : 240
      • Hydrophone : HTI-90U hydrophone (2 Hz – 20 kHz)
      • Max Autonomy : 12 mois
      • Max deployment depth : 6000m
      • Dimensions (HxWxD mm): 2400x800x1000
      • Weight in air (with/out anchor, kg): 710/310
      • Weight in seawater (with/out anchor, kg): 274/-126
  • Description : Hydrophone in the SOFAR channel with 3 shuttles
    • Nombre : 3
    • Spécifications
      • Sampling rates (sps) : 125, 250, 500, 1000
      • Hydrophone : HTI-90U hydrophone (2 Hz – 20 kHz)
      • Max Autonomy : 36 mois
      • Max deployment depth : 6000m
      • Dimensions (HxWxD, mm): 2400x800x1000
      • Weight in air (with/out anchor, kg): 760/360
      • Weight in seawater (with/out anchor, kg): 274/-126

Future instrumentation


  • Description: Compact Broadband Ocean Bottom Seismometer


  • Description: Rapid Response Ocean Bottom Seismometer


  • Description: Active Seismic Ocean Bottom Seismometer


  • Description: Autonomous Seafloor-Sea Surface transiting lander


  • Description: Nano-Precision Bottom Pressure Recorder
  • Description: Drift-measuring (A-O-A) Bottom Pressure Recorder
Le capteur ADA Résif et OBS CNRS-INSU prêts à être déployés sur le pont du navire Marion Dufresne lors de la campagne Mayobs15 à Mayotte

Résif A-0-A bottom pressure recorder and INSU/IPGP SPOBSs on the deck of the research vessel Marion Dufresne, ready to be deployed during the Mayobs15 expedition at Mayotte © Denis Dausse, Revosima, 2020 – En savoir plus